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Co-Op, OYAP, and Dual Credit

Co-Op, OYAP, and Dual Credit

Co-op and OYAP

C.V.D.C.S. is proud to offer two (2) and four (4) credits programs in both semesters one (1) and two (2).

Co-operative education offers three types of programming: Co-op, Dual Credits and OYAP. Courses are available to students 16 years of age or older who have acquired at least 16 credits toward their OSSD.

Note: The Principal may, in exceptional circumstances, grant acceptance into co-op courses for students who have not fulfilled the requirements.

What are Co-op, Dual Credit, and OYAP?

Co-op, Dual Credit, and OYAP are alternative learning experiences that allow students to participate in the workforce, explore potential careers and develop the skills and attitudes necessary to succeed in their transition from school to work. All this, while earning credits toward their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (O.S.S.D./O.S.S.).

How do Co-op, Dual Credit, and OYAP work?


The program begins with a two week pre-employment session. Once this is completed, students join one of the many local employers in a work placement which lasts until the last week of the semester. Once a month, students will also attend an in school day to discuss and share their experiences.

Dual Credit Program

Dual Credit programs can be taken in several different fields: Metal Fabricator, Heavy Duty Mechanic, Videography, Personal Support Worker, Early Childhood Education, Health Sciences, Developmental Services, Mining, Exploring Corrections, Digital Photography, Discovering the Trades and Art and Design. These programs are all offered through Cambrian College. Successful students obtain High School credits, College credits and, in some cases, the completion of the Apprenticeship Level 1 for their chosen trade.


The structure of the OYAP program is similar to Co-op, in that the placement with a potential employer is preceded by two (2) weeks of pre-employment study. OYAP focuses on providing students with the opportunity to begin a career in one of 150 skilled trades, while continuing to earn credits toward their O.S.S.D. Furthermore, time spent at the workplace is counted towards apprenticeship hours for the specific trade for which the student is in training. Trade apprentices are in high demand. According to labour market statistics, opportunities for young people in skilled trades will grow within the next few years as skilled workers begin to retire.

Co-op, Dual Credits and OYAP offers students a venue in which to experience the exciting world of work first hand.

If you have any questions, please contact your Guidance teacher.

For further information, you may also visit the following sites:

Co-operative Education Programs at Rainbow Schools
Apprenticeship Search
High School Subject Pathways for Apprenticeship
Ontario's Guide to Career Planning
Job Future
National Occupational Classification
Youth Opportunities in Ontario